Monday, February 23, 2009

Saturday I went to the Sierra Nevada mountains. Pictures later (hopefully). I went with the youth group from the Baptist Church down the street. I met some new friends, that actually don't go to the church, they go to one in town and they visit this one. They were all family, a brother and his wife and his two sisters, so they adopted me for the day. They were really sweet. Two of the girls spoke English, Adriana spoke really well because she lived in the states for 7 years. The other girl, Noelia, spoke a little because she had taken class at the university for three years. We had a lot of fun playing in the snow. We found some cool igloos and we sledded a bit too. It was a good day. The hot chocolate at the top of the mountain was fantastic, the lack of bathrooms wasn't.

1 comment:

  1. I know what it's like to be somewhere and there be no bathrooms. I almost feel like European's never pee or something! :P
