Monday, February 2, 2009

First off, I watched to Superbowl last night up until the beginning of third quarter, on two different screens. The actual TV was a German showing (with German commentators) and the other was from Dave's computer, projected onto the wall. We were watching people's TVs who were streaming the video, so we did get some English commentary and we did get to see a few commercials. This morning I woke up late and had to rush out the door. I had about 10 minutes to get ready, but I made it, and Sean, Dave and I drove into town so I could register for my language classes, which I did successfully, but it was a small challenge. I handled it on my own though, and I was proud that I was competent enough to do that. Dave and I discussed later how strange it was that a school that taught Spanish as a class didn't have anyone who spoke another language, even French, to help the students. I was thankful that I had a grounding in some Spanish education. That process took up most of my day. I met Martha and Yasmin and walked around with them for a little while, or rather they walked around with me while I figured out school. Martha showed me how to work the bikes in town, which was really neat. I know that I need to get some pictures up of around Seville, but I haven't had time yet. Martha did take two of Yasmin and I today, I will ask her if I may have them to post. She took one by a fruit stand that had huge delicious-looking strawberries. I am going grocery shopping tomorrow so I might have to find me some of those. Martha also showed me one of her favorite cafeterias on campus so I might have to go try it soon. I don't start classes until after the 20th, because that is the day that I take the test which decides which level (nivel in Spanish) that I am in. I have the next two weeks to try and figure out where I am going to live, and hopefully I can get some homework done and help out with whatever needs to be done. I have learned about an opportunity to take dance classes at the cultural center, so I am going to check that out soon. It is called Sevillanas, an easier version of the flamenco, because flamenco is not taught to anyone but professional dancers, which traditionally are solely Gypsies. I told Sean and Dave maybe I could marry a Gypsy, and they pointed out some caravans living under a bridge where I might find them. I changed my mind.  After lunch with the Actons I walked back to the house and took a nap, and now I have eaten supper and have settled down for the night. I might watch a movie. That is all that I have for now, I will update you with tomorrow's news. Goodnight!

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